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The SSCN researchers team monitors seaweed influxes through photography-based citizen science. 

Monitoring Points​


Since 2022, with the help of communities and our partnered schools, we have established a total of 14 monitoring points across the Atlantic.​


Anyone can visit these and contribute to seaweed research, by simply taking a picture of the coast.


Over time, this collection of pictures will enable scientists to track seaweed changes and evolution.​


All the pictures taken are collected and used in collaboration with CoastSnap, a global project to monitor changes in coastal areas.


CoastSnap is a global citizen science project to capture changes along coastlines around the world. It relies on repeat photos at the same location to track how the coast is changing over time. CoastSnap turns photos into valuable data that is used by coastal scientists to understand and forecast how coastlines might change in the coming decades. 

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